Pianist Takes Harvard IQ Musical Test [134 Score, Proof-of-Score Video, No Commentary] [Video Game Pianist]


Découvrez la vidéo Pianist Takes Harvard IQ Musical Test [134 Score, Proof-of-Score Video, No Commentary] de Video Game Pianist sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

Update (5/9/20): Video Game Pianist achieves a score of 136 in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NND14_APkow

Video Game Pianist scored 134 (98.83 percentile, personal best score on 5/9/20, 12:36 am,) out of a possible 149 on the Harvard Musical IQ Test.

Link to the Harvard Musical IQ Test: https://www.themusiclab.org/quizzes/miq


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