Super Mario 3D World – Overworld Theme [Video Game Pianist]


Découvrez la vidéo Super Mario 3D World - Overworld Theme de Video Game Pianist sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

Please enjoy my performance of the Super Mario 3D World - Overworld Theme composed by Koji Kondo and Mahito Yakota!

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Let's identify and examine the compositional techniques Koji Kondo and Mahito Yakota use in the Super Mario 3D World - Overworld Theme to successfully enhance the gameplay and visuals! Please refer to the following video and sheet music

Kondo-san and Yakota-san create a lively and syncopated introduction to grab the listener's attention. The robust rhythms give the player courage to complete the level. The colorful German augmented sixth chord complements the vibrant visuals in the Overworld.

The melody is full of twists and turns like Mario how navigates through the level. The unprepared 7-6 suspension adds a playful character to the music. The use of previously-established Mario music elements are apparent in this theme including the four-note chromatic ascending notes, chromatic double thirds, the I to IV movement, and more. These ideas first appeared in the Super Mario Bros. 1 Overworld Theme, and much more modern Mario music incorporates those germatic motives.

Official web site:
Sheet music:

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