Taking The Legend of Zelda Music Requests Via Super Chat! (See Video Description) [Video Game Pianist]


Découvrez la vidéo Taking The Legend of Zelda Music Requests Via Super Chat! (See Video Description) de Video Game Pianist sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

The theme of this stream is The Legend of Zelda music!

Super Chat $10 to request VGP to play The Legend of Zelda music! If you have sheet music, please send the sheet music to vgpstream@gmail.com. If not, VGP will look for sheet music or transcribe the music on the spot. VGP can also improvise music based on The Legend of Zelda music.

120 plus likes for this stream unlocks Guess the Theme!

Martin Leung, DMA


Thumbnail art by Joshua Foley
"Water Jug" oil painting by Harris Johnson

#Nintendo #Zelda #TheLegendOfZelda

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