Video Game Pianist Live Stream [Video Game Pianist ビデオ・ゲーム・ピアニスト]


Découvrez la vidéo Video Game Pianist Live Stream de Video Game Pianist ビデオ・ゲーム・ピアニスト sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

Welcome to the live stream!
To make a piano performance request/sightreading request/improvisation request, please make a Super Chat in the suggested amount of 10 USD. If you're new to the stream, please direct any questions to the helpful moderators (users that have a wrench icon next to their username.)

Today's stream will end at 5:30 PM PST.

Thumbnail art by Mr. Bakayama.

Ideally I'd like to focus 100% on my piano playing while streaming. If you have a question to ask, please email me at with your question. Be sure to include your YouTube username so I know who you are!

Some stream rules:
Please only make a request when there are at most 3 current Super Chat requests at any given moment. Streamer specific rule (not a YouTube rule): The streamer prefers that the maximum amount of Super Chat/Super Stickers a person can send per month is $500.

10-27-22 - Stream rules added
10-13-22 - The YouTube channel can now be accessed via
This URL is much shorter and easier to type!
I've been busy teaching piano, practicing piano, learning Japanese, training with a cross country team, as well as running sometimes up to 100 miles a week. Last Sunday I ran the Long Beach half marathon! Though I've been busy lately, I haven't forgotten about streaming! I'd like to stream more regularly.

🎹 Learn Piano with the Flowkey app:
🎓 App demonstration:

⭐ Super Mario Medley -

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