Graduation (original composition) [kylelandry]


Découvrez la vidéo Graduation (original composition) de kylelandry sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

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Over the past few months I have been deeply recollecting many of my memories and past experiences as a child. Due to the bittersweet feeling of remembering the past, I needed to unleash my emotions somehow (cough this video).

So, I decided to call the piece graduation before I even started writing it. I wanted the piece to portray the many emotions a student feels during the last two or three months up until his or her graduation. 3:17 is supposed to be the actual graduation, and the glissando would be when everyone throws their caps in the air!

I hope you enjoy! Best wishes to all who are on there way to college!

Your Pianist and Composer,
Kyle Landry

Sheet music available for purchase on my website!

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