improvisation no12 [kylelandry]


Découvrez la vidéo improvisation no12 de kylelandry sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

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I bet you avid kyle-piano-improvisation viewers are thinking "where did the 10th and 11th improvisations go?"

Haha, well they were both over 10 minutes so I couldn't post them on youtube. The 11th one was probably the best improvisation EVER, even better than the 4th one. But the 10th one wasn't anything special.

Anyway, there's a link on my forum to view the 11th improvisation in the Concert Hall. Make sure you are registered and logged in to view the Concert Hall.

Hope you enjoy this 12th one. It's kinda cool, it starts off in a very happy majory sounding way, then gets very minory then at the end the same majory melody comes back except with a bit more!


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