Love Live! – Snow Halation [Theishter – Anime on Piano]


Découvrez la vidéo Love Live! - Snow Halation de Theishter - Anime on Piano sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

Nico Nico Niii~~ Finally, a Love Live! Piano cover :3

This is more a simple arrangement (which is why it was done so quickly, despite my piano suite upload last week). It’s a very heartfelt song, so I was careful in playing it, making sure my touch was more gentle this time. I really have a soft spot for Japanese Idol songs. It’s cheesy I know… and even sometimes creepy lol. It’s just a really good “straight to the heart” genre if you’re willing to overlook the creepiness.

I’m back to the digital skeletor keyboard right now. I figured it is good once in a while to revisit my roots and where I came from. This way, I can appreciate my progress and efforts throughout the years! You should never forget where you came from~

Also just a sidenote: I’ve been doing 24fps videos, but my mom was like “the video looks sped up, son”. So for this video (and future videos) I have reverted back to smoother 30fps video.


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Piano arrangement by Tehishter

Original song:
-Lyrics by Aki Hata
Composed by Takahiro Yamada
Arranged by Ryosuke Nakanishi


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