Practicing Beethoven Thirty-Two Variations in C Minor [Video Game Pianist]


Découvrez la vidéo Practicing Beethoven Thirty-Two Variations in C Minor de Video Game Pianist sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

The theme of this stream is VGP practicing piano.
Beethoven's 250th birthday is in 7 days.

"Regular" theme stream:

To request VGP to play Super Mario music, Super Chat $10 or donate $6 via Streamlabs Donation link: **! If you have sheet music, it would be greatly appreciated if you could please send the sheet music to It will save time from VGP having find the sheet music on stream and thereby waste valuable streaming time. If not, VGP will look for sheet music or transcribe the music on the spot. VGP can also improvise music.

**Donations made through Streamlabs will still have an alert on the video, but there will be no colored text box that appears in Chat. VGP receives 100% of donations made through the Streamlabs Donation link, and 63% of each Super Chat (Google takes 30% of each Super Chat amount, and then VGP's YouTube partner, Fullscreen, takes 10% from that remaining amount. Here's the math: $10 Super Chat X .7 (Google's 30% share) X .9 (Fullscreen's 10% share from the already reduced amount from Google taking a 30% share) = $6.3 net for VGP for every $10 Super Chat.

If this stream receives 100 plus likes within 1 hour of the stream starting, Guess the Theme will be unlocked.

VGP is unable to respond/react to every comment. In the past, VGP responded to nearly every comment, with good faith intentions. Unfortunately, some users were not grateful to VGP responding, and actually displayed some degree of antipathy (a strong dislike.) Therefore VGP will reserve giving his attention to mostly people who tangibly support this stream, i.e. by Super Chatting, Donating, and/or are Channel Members. Thank you for your understanding. Remember, Channel Members have access to VGP's Discord server, where members can chat 24/7. Please check out this link for more info on how to integrate your YouTube account with Discord:

To those who dislike the stream, please do not come back to the stream. Your toxicity is not welcome. Thank you for your understanding, and have a great day.

Please subscribe and click the bell icon to be notified when VGP streams!

23 November 2020 - Channel members now have access to VGP's Discord server! The server integration issue has been resolved.

Martin Leung, DMA

Thumbnail art, tears of joy emoji, smiling biceps, and number 1 emoji by Joshua Foley
"Water Jug" oil painting by Harris Johnson

#piano #practice #Beethoven

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