Bran Bal, the Village without Souls – Final Fantasy IX Piano Collections (medium) [AtinPiano]


Découvrez la vidéo Bran Bal, the Village without Souls - Final Fantasy IX Piano Collections (medium) de AtinPiano sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

►Learn the piano here:


Bran Bal is one of those unique songs, where Uematu perfectly captured the atmosphere and feeling that the place the song is named after evokes. A calming, yet very somber composition. It was this moment in the game, where the story finally unveiled its mysteries and built up for that incredible "You're not Alone"-moment... *shivers*

Sadly, this is the last piece I'll was able to play on my beloved acoustic Yamaha, which I had to leave behind when I moved. It's still there back home, so hopefully I'll get to play on it again at the end of the year.


Music composed by Nobuo Uematsu
Arranged for piano by Shiro Hamagutchi
Final Fantasy IX © Copyright: 2000 Square Co. Ltd

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