Halo 4: The Forge Games – Forging A New World – Original Composition (Theme soundtrack) [Akmigone]


Découvrez la vidéo Halo 4: The Forge Games - Forging A New World - Original Composition (Theme soundtrack) de Akmigone sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

My original composition "Forging A New World" composed for "The Forge Games".
The serie are created by AirsoftXX (Mr Pokephile from THFE)
In the end, you can hear two versions of the piano part (with and without the synth pad).

About the forge games (description by Mr Pokephile) :

The Forge Games is a highly competitive forging game show. Each episode one of the eight forgers will be eliminated as they are voted off. Forgers will be forced to play against one another in a competitive match, followed by a forging challenge.

You can see the serie here:


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