Soft Heart | Beyond the Horizon (4) [Akmigone]


Découvrez la vidéo Soft Heart | Beyond the Horizon (4) de Akmigone sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

If you want to buy this song or the full album, here are some places it's available on:

Apple Music:
Google Play:

If you're thinking "woah that Album picture sure is amazing, I'm pretty sure Akmigone can't edit that well..." then you're right! It's done by my friend Filip, here you can see some of his other work or contact him:



This is a very relaxing song, so I was thinking we could practice some Yoga together! Just follow along!

Start with closing your eyes....

I said close your eyes!

Alright if this will work you can't keep reading this, just take a deep breath and close your eyes...

Have you done it?


I doesn't seem to get any response from you....

ehhh... let's move on!

I want you to think about the ocean, for each deep breath you go deeper and deeper into the water... ehh.... the sunlight from the reflecting into the water slowly dissapears as you're discovering the great mysteries of the ocean. Make sure to take a deep breath, beacuse in 3... 2.. 1... OMG YOU SEE A SHARK! But no worries, you go for the classic "sweep the leg" and the sharks fall. But PLOT TWIST it didn't have any legs and tricked you, but DOUBLE PLOT TWIST you knew it knew that it was gonna trick you! What will happen next! Will you survive the shark attack? That you'll find out in the next episode of "Yoga with Akmigone", hope you are relaxed!

See you!

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