TRAILER LIVE IN VENICE Ca’Sagredo 12/10/23 VALENTINA LISITSA and MAURO VALLI ByoBlu TV Broadcast [Valentina Lisitsa QOR Records Official channel]


Découvrez la vidéo TRAILER LIVE IN VENICE Ca'Sagredo 12/10/23 VALENTINA LISITSA and MAURO VALLI ByoBlu TV Broadcast de Valentina Lisitsa QOR Records Official channel sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

Watch complete recital here:

Palazzo Morosini Sagredo Venezia, IT.
Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt and more.

Qui accluso il Concerto​ di Valentina Lisitsa e Mauro Valli a Venezia, trasmesso dal Canale TV nazionale Byoblu, insieme alle interviste ai due artisti e al​ backstage

Enclosed herewith is the Concert of Valentina Lisitsa and Mauro Valli in Venice, broadcast by the national TV Channel Byoblu, along with interviews with the two artists and backstage footage.

Voici le concert de Valentina Lisitsa et Mauro Valli à Venise, diffusé par la chaîne de télévision nationale Byoblu, accompagné d'interviews des deux artistes et d'images des coulisses.

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