Valse du petit chat (original composition) [kylelandry]


Découvrez la vidéo Valse du petit chat (original composition) de kylelandry sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

My latest "classical" composition for solo piano, "Valse du petit chat," or "Kitten's Waltz." This piece has a slight reference to the famous Chopin Waltz, "Valse du petit chien;" however, in my case, the point of interest is a kitten (petit chat), not a puppy (petit chien). The structure has its similarities to the Chopin as well, with a nudge to the bombastic stylings of Franz Liszt. The piece goes out to my kittens, Beaux, and Koda -- the inspiration prompting this work.

This composition is laid out as followed:

1) Introduction
2) Section 1
3) Section 1 repeated with changes and transition
4) Middle Section (development) and transition
5) Section 1 repeated and elaborated
6) Coda

Hope you enjoy this-- it's fun to play....!!!!

Your Pianist,
Kyle Landry

If anyone of you are interested in pictures, I can link you! (they are on my facebook page)

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