Felipe plays Rachmaninov Prelude in C Sharp Minor at the Mall [Felipe’s Piano and Friends]


Découvrez la vidéo Felipe plays Rachmaninov Prelude in C Sharp Minor at the Mall de Felipe's Piano and Friends sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

My performane of Rachmaninov Prelude in C Scharp Minor at the Mall,

Piano: Felipe Vera
Concepción, Chile.

DISCLAIMER: This Channel used to be "Street Piano Videos", a compilation of my street piano performances and others street piano players around the world. I deleted all the material that wasn't mine and hadn't the permission to use it (nealy 150 videos).

I transformed that old Channel into this new one called "Felipe's Piano and Friends". This New Channel its now a piano blog of me and my music friends making public music interventions, with original videos made by us. I will not upload any content that doesn't belong to me again

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