Prokofiev in a Club! Sonata #7 Yellow Lounge Amsterdam Lisitsa [ValentinaLisitsa]


Découvrez la vidéo Prokofiev in a Club! Sonata #7 Yellow Lounge Amsterdam Lisitsa de ValentinaLisitsa sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

One day in a future the 'traditional" concert halls will go the way of 'traditional" movie theaters = disappear from use. I told you before - the BEST place to listen to the piano is directly under it. But try that in Concergebouw or Carnegie Hall _ they will call police on you 😉 Not so in a club . Yellow Lounge Amsterdam March 19th 2014 - An ultimate experience listening to Prokofiev . Never mind the tinny captured recording - it was Imperial after all and it RRRRrrrocked - just ask the willing "victims" 🙂

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