TheIshter’s Vocaloid Mini Album song previews~ [Theishter – Anime on Piano]


Découvrez la vidéo TheIshter's Vocaloid Mini Album song previews~ de Theishter - Anime on Piano sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

Here are the song previews and tracklist for the December 25 album release!

01) Black Rock Shooter
02) MELT
04) Black Rock Shooter OST - Little Soul
05) The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku -DEAD END-
[Bonus] Guilty Crown ED - Departures (2013 ver. ishter arrange)

It will be available on, Christmas Day - and iTunes around December 30/31. The price of the album is $8.00, and part of the profit goes to the victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan victims in the Philippines.

I hope you're excited for the debut album release as much as I am! I'm really happy with how this turned out. I also figured to revisit a good old song (Guilty Crown ED), because of how beautiful the full version was.

And of course, my main goal with this is to hopefully let non-Vocaloid fans realize that Vocaloid music is much more beautiful on the inside (rather than just an auto-tuned high pitched robot voice singing). It would be an incredible shame especially for ODDS&ENDS, which I value so much ;__;

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