Animal Crossing: New Leaf – K.K. Slider’s New Song in G Major [Video Game Pianist]


Découvrez la vidéo Animal Crossing: New Leaf - K.K. Slider's New Song in G Major de Video Game Pianist sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

Let's identify and examine the compositional techniques in Animal Crossing: New Leaf - K.K. Slider's New Song.

K.K. Slider is a dog who performs compositions at Club LOL. His formal name is Totakeke, which is a variant of the name Kazumi Totaka, one of the composers for the game. When Totaka-san's name is listed as Totaka Kazumi and then Totaka K., the name sounds like Totakeke!

K.K. is seen playing a guitar, and this theme resembles some guitar bass lines and guitar picking. For example, the bass line is a dance rhythm that could be played by a bass guitar. When there is the B section in e minor, there are repeated notes in the bass and melody. This could resemble K.K. doing guitar picking. The music is diagetic. Therefore the music enhances the visuals of K.K. playing the guitar.

Here is a video of many K.K. Slider's new songs!

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