STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (« EZ » Piano Version) by Led Zeppelin [BachScholar]


Découvrez la vidéo STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN ("EZ" Piano Version) by Led Zeppelin de BachScholar sur Le Fil YouTube de Piano Partage.

ABOUT THIS SONG: This famous song brings back memories for me, and when one of my piano students (from Germany) showed me he was working on it, I was delighted to help him with it. Before I was the studious and serious "BachScholar" of the 2010's, way back in my high school days of 1977-81, I played keyboards in various rock bands. Led Zeppelin was my favorite band during these years and Led Zeppelin was in fact my very first rock concert I attended at the tender age of 13 in 1976 (at the Oakland Coliseum) during their "Physical Graffiti" tour. I had all their albums and must have worn them all out by playing them a million times. Anyway, this is an "easy piano" version of Zeppelin's classic song that my student gave to me. I am sorry, but I don't know where you can find this version and it is not on my website.

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